7 Most Creative Tea Packaging Design Ideas

7 Most Creative Tea Packaging Design Ideas

It’s a cool, Autumn afternoon, and you decide to visit your local coffee shop. When you venture inside, you notice an abundance of peculiar, but interesting, looking packages on the shelves. Upon closer inspection, you notice that the package contents are tea bags.

This idea is used by many companies that sell tea to customers around the world. There are unique features and characteristics that are used in tea packaging design. Some tea packaging design ideas are bold and imaginative, while others may be simpler with a minimalist approach.

To inspire your own packaging, consider these eight creative tea packaging design ideas:

Idea #1: Paper Bag Packaging

Instead of the usual boxes that you see on grocery shelves, some companies opt for simplicity. A brown paper bag can be the basis of some truly elegant tea packaging designs. Think of the bag itself as a canvas; you can experiment accordingly with different themes.

When trying to market your tea packaging design, it is important to keep things minimal. Having too much imagery on your brown bag can be counterintuitive, if the plan is to capture a customer’s attention. With your brand placed front-and-centre, along with a few other features, you can transform your blank canvas into something spectacular!

Idea #2: Bottle Packaging

Bottles are great tea packaging design ideas. Most tea products are sold in their usual boxes, or even the aforementioned bags. If you really want to step it up a notch, consider using bottles. Loose tea contents can be placed inside, so that customers can get a clear view of what’s inside. Once you have your bottle on hand, the exterior packaging can get quite nifty.

You can experiment with the bottle’s sticker as you see fit. Depending on the intended goal, supplementary imagery can enhance the overall packaging design. This can result in a truly, one-of-a-kind packaging for your tea products.

Idea #3: Box Packaging

Your typical, run-of-the-mill tea boxes can, and should, be accentuated. First, you’ll need to decide on what sort of box you will be using. For the most part, aim for small to medium-sized boxes. Storing your tea products inside a large box is actually counterproductive, in terms of attractive visual design.

When you have your desired box, it is time to get creative. Depending on the kind of tea you are selling, try to use stark imagery that reflects where it came from. For instance, chai tea could use colourful art inspired by South Asia. Using this correctly on your boxes can greatly enhance the way it is viewed.

Idea #4: Bright Colourful Packaging

The use of colours is important for any product, but especially for your tea packaging design ideas. As it pertains to this particular product, be sure to use just a few colours. Unless you are going for an extravagant design, a few colours that complement one another will work best. Your overall design should radiate a balanced look, based off your chosen colours.

For example, pick one primary colour and use a couple other secondary shades. If you are having difficulty choosing some hues, think about the tea contents you are selling. When one thinks of tea, general feelings of comfort arise. As such, base your colour selection off of this sentiment!


Idea #5: Minimalist Packaging

If you really want your tea packaging design to stick out, keep the superficial contents as minimal as you can. As the age old adage goes, sometimes, less can be more. In regards to marketing your tea products, a few key pieces of information will be needed. Your brand name, quantity of tea inside, and flavours will be most important.

Then, ensure your chosen fonts are legible, and not overcrowding each other. Your use of white space on the packaging design should also be considered. Keep things proportional and well-balanced, and your minimalist approach to packaging design will work as desired.

Idea #6: Packaging with Pictures

A few, well-placed pictures can also make your tea packaging design stand out! Aim for using pictures that transmit a feeling of radiance and comfort. Keep them aligned with both your brand profile and overall design, in order to keep things balanced.

Idea #7: Personalized Packaging

The packaging design inspiration doesn’t stop at the exterior packaging. If you really want to personalize your tea products, print a personalized message on each tea bag! Use thoughtful messages, to let your customers know that they are appreciated.

For an extra touch of creativity, you can even incorporate an element of user engagement. Instead of the old unboxing tactic, why not go for a design that unfolds into a piece of origami? It’s a way to market your product in an amusing way.

The world of packaging design is as subjective as you can get. As it pertains to tea products, you have many options available to you. That is why it is key to use your imagination! Keep things consistent, and your design will stand out amongst its peers.


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