5 Advantages of Having Only One Child

5 Advantages of Having Only One Child

One of the biggest challenges that parents of one child often face is the pressure of family, friends, and even acquaintances to decide or to think about having another child. Many parents are wondering whether they want another child or not, and if they choose to have only one child, they face condemnation, and they do not know what is actually right, and what’s better for the first child; to have a brother or sister, or grow up alone. On the other hand, there are many reasons why some people decide on having one child only. In some cases, the health situation is not in their favor, while in some other cases such decision is made due to the financial situation, or the fact that they live in a loft or in a very small apartment so they cannot think about expanding the family. Opinions about having only one child are often expressed in clichés: they grow up alone, they are stagnant, they do not know how to share things with others, they are spoiled and more egoistic than other children, and so on and so forth. However, there is almost no scientific evidence for this. Nevertheless, the aforementioned opinion is present and shows how deeply we believe that life with more children is more fulfilled. However, this list gives you some of the advantages of having only one child, and you should definitely read it until the end.

  1. More time to spend with your child

Children of different ages have different needs, and if you have more of them, you will have to split your time, and you will feel completely exhausted by the end of the day. Having one child means focusing only on him or her, being able to follow all of the activities.

Legs and feet of an adult and child, both wearing boots, standing on dirt ground
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
  1. Less chaos and calmer parent

People with more children know that they may expect a chaos to happen at any moments, as siblings usually fight over toys or other important things for their age. When they grow up, they want separate rooms, independence, and many other things, and all of this may provoke a bigger chaos in your head. If you have only one child, this won’t happen.

A baby sitting with her father while looking at a kids book.
Photo by Picsea on Unsplash
  1. More free time as a parent

Having only one child will also bring you more free time for yourself as a parent, and you will be able to travel more, to meet with friends, or to simply enjoy a cup of coffee and a good book. This is the luxury that people with more children rarely have, especially while they are younger.

Mother, daughter and father holding hands in a line on a beach during the daytime.
Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash
  1. More money to save

Yes, this seems to be quite selfish, but it’s true; many people decide to have only one child because it is much easier on the wallet. While some parents definitely cannot afford another child, some others decide to have only one as they want to invest more in him or her. As simple as that.

Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash
  1. More opportunities

When you get to have more money and more time, this definitely means more opportunities for your child. It means that he or she may be involved in various activities, to attend various classes, and to travel more with parents.

Photo by Alberto Casetta on Unsplash

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